
Theme park video game controls pc
Theme park video game controls pc

theme park video game controls pc
  1. Theme park video game controls pc software#
  2. Theme park video game controls pc code#
  3. Theme park video game controls pc tv#

Over to Peter Molyneux, Bullfrog boss, to explain how easy the game is to operate: 'I wanted the interface to be so simple to use that you wouldn't even think about it. In Theme Park you have to build and manage a theme park. In Sim City you had to build and then manage a city. On the surface, however, it couldn't be simpler.

Theme park video game controls pc code#

Well, the game code itself - and you wouldn't guess at this from a cursory glance at the graphics - is actually extremely deep, with many 'levels' to it. So what's it all about, this Theme Park caper? What will you be able to do with it? Will it be crap? Brill? Average? Or what? That was then and this is now -that was Populous and this is Theme Park.

Theme park video game controls pc tv#

(Company boss Peter Molyneux was flown over to participate and got beaten in the finals because there was a tv camera behind him, meaning he couldn't activate his special inbuilt cheat mode without being caught on film.) Populous, had such universal appeal that there was even a grand two player championship in Japan a couple of years ago. And the one that really kicked the company off. You've Got To Hand it to Bullfrog, haven't you, seeing as it has never actually produced a naff game. You'll be content to click on an individual and just sit back and watch him/her strolling about the park and getting beaten up by thugs or whatever. Oh, and on the subject of the jokey graphics, they're brilliant. Suffice to say, and I've said it already, that Theme Park is deep - which is something you wouldn't guess from the jokey graphics. Loads of hidden things that leap out at you when you least expect them to. Fail to reach an agreement in time and they'll pull their services. the people who sell you the meat for your burgers may increase their prices. Ditto this for the Supplier Negotiation screen. You've got about 30 seconds to agree a new set wage with the trade union geezer, and failure to do so will see the staff walking out on strike. Then shazam, up pops the Wage Negotiation screen. At least one will be on the blink, and so you've got four mechanics on the payroll. You've got a large park with, say, 20 rides. (Rocks appear which you can't get rid of, meaning you have to rebuild around them.) So imagine the scene. If a ride goes wrong and isn't attended to in time, there's a danger of it blowing up - which not only has disastrous effects on your reputation, but also damages the ground on which the ride was placed. When you've got a thriving park you really are dependent on your staff: especially the mechanics. There are other neat touches that add to Theme Park making it a greater overall experience than the Maxis equivalents. (You can dabble on the stock-market yourself.) The wages of sin. So as well as worrying about the everyday design and running of your park, you also have to worry about possible take-over bids and the such like. there's a stock-market sim hidden away, and loads of compu-ter-controlled rival theme park owners - all vying to be number one in the charts.

theme park video game controls pc

And there are all kinds of variables happening below the surface, too. For instance as you progress, the difficulty level ups itself. However, in Theme Park, there most definitely is a game - it sets its own pace and you have to do as well as you can within its structure.

theme park video game controls pc

Theme park video game controls pc software#

Well, there was and there wasn't, but you know what I mean: it was a software toy, and there's nothing wrong with that.

theme park video game controls pc

In Sim City there wasn't actu-ally a "game". However, that brief explanation is actually doing Theme Park a disservice because, when you get down to it, the sheer depth of the thing actually makes the Sim City duo seem a bit "empty". make the most pop-ular Theme Parks in the world), and then, using the mouse and the relevent icons, you drag features onto the screen and click them into place. You start off with so much cash, a blank canvas and an aim (i.e. Probably the easiest way to "explain" Theme Park (and chances are that you will have guessed from the intro) is that it's like Sim City or Sim City 2000.

Theme park video game controls pc